Monday, February 10, 2014

Buenos Carne

Quick update from BA:

       Our first few days here in Buenos Aires have been amazing. I've never been to a city with such diverse architecture.  This alone has kept my brain occupied and stimulated. There are times when I'm walking down the street and feel like I'm in Mission District SF, New Orleans, East Village NYC and Paris.....all on one block.

Impressive statues everywhere you turn that reminds me of Paris.

Elaborate murals similar to the art in Mission SF.

Streets filled with both old and new architecture. 

      Having spent the past four plus years in SF it's hard not to love food at a high level. BA doesn't disappoint in this department and we were fortunate enough to take a cooking class and partake in an Asado (BBQ) with some new friends. 

       While working in NYC I fell in love with empanadas. However, since living in SF I haven't eaten them. We signed up for a cooking class last minute and made carne empanadas, cookies and lentil stew with corizo and bacon. When I asked about breakfast empanadas our teacher gave me a strange look(more on this later). That didn't stop us from making them back at our apartment a few days later. 

Cooking with Norma (Argentine Cooking Class). 
Our breakfast creation with avacado on top. 
       Through some networking (thanks Coop!) we were able to meet up with another American couple ( who had us over for dinner on Friday night, Sunday showed us around San Telmo market and later took us to a friends for Asado. This was definitely the highlight of BA for me. 

The famous San Telmo Market. Since 1897. 

No vegans here. 

         I should also mention how everyone has their own perception of people and places. The Argentine people are very proud of where they're from, much like the French and for good reason. Before I went to Paris in 2008 I was warned of rude encounters I might face, but found quite the opposite. Buenos Aires has been a similar experience. We were told most the people here speak some English, but haven't had many people try to communicate with us that way. 

      This has been a humbling experience and lesson in respecting others culture. I regret not being more prepared by practicing my Spanish, but it's more motivation to learn while down here. 

      Many people warned us of San Telmo pick pocketing and being robbed in the street. However, this city feels very safe and we've walked miles through several neighborhoods. That being said, we'll continue to keep our guard up for where there is desperation, there is crime. 

Also, here is our itinerary if you know anyone in these areas, please let us know: 

Buenos Aires Jan. 9-15th
Patagonia Jan. 15-28th
Puerto Montt Jan. 28th
Valparaiso Jan. 30 - Feb 5th
Santiago Feb 5th - 10th
Northern Chile to Lima Peru Feb. 10th - 20th
Lima Feb. 20-25th
Cusco/Machu Picchu Feb 25th - Mar. 6th
Lima Mar. 6th
Ecuador/Colombia/Panama/Costa Rica/Nicaragua (After March 8th - No Concrete Plans)